“With the world of politics in a chaos of smoke and mirrors through disruption and change, our Shire, with its reliance on the amazing natural environment to drive its economic well-being via the tourism dollar, needs stability. For the sake of our kids growing up in these chaotic times, let’s think to the future, and not to perceived short term gains and change for change sake. That’s why Julia will get my vote.”

— Byron Kurth, Principal, Managing Australian Destinations, Port Douglas


“My vision is for a thriving, prosperous economy, a unique sustainable destination that protects our special environment. A place for innovation and ideas that promotes our heritage, indigenous culture and cares for residents with fairness and compassion. I am committed to ensuring Douglas Shire remains a special and unique part of the world. Our environment, particularly the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage Daintree Rainforest, is the basis of our local economy. The balance between protecting our environment, supporting agriculture, tourism and economic opportunity, is at the heart of the Douglas Shire’s future prosperity.”


“The record speaks for itself! Julia Leu, as a long time land owner and ratepayer, is a very successful, experienced, and professional Mayor, who has worked tirelessly and selflessly for the well-being of the Douglas Shire. All residents, ratepayers, and visitors have a lot to thank her for her achievements.”

— Julie & Rob White, Wonga Beach

“I believe that Mayor Julia Leu has always been understanding, respectful and supportive in regard to the needs and aspirations of the Kuku Yalanji people of the Douglas Shire. In doing so, she has shown true leadership in ensuring that my people are not forgotten and are included in any relevant discussions and planning which the Council may have regarding the future growth and prosperity of this special part of Australia.”

— Richard Burchill, Mossman

“The wide diversity of Douglas Shire deserves the understanding, the care and protection that Julia, as Mayor, has ensured so far. Her experience and expertise are essential for our ongoing success.”

— Rhona Eastment, Port Douglas

“Julia Leu has all the attributes of a great Mayor: integrity, honesty, intelligence and a genuine concern and care for the well being of our beautiful Shire and ALL it’s residents. We look forward to Julia leading Douglas for the next four years.”

— Larry & Robyn Smith, Port Douglas Getaways

“Julia Leu has worked for the ratepayers of the Douglas Shire for almost 26 
years, as a Council Officer and as an elected representative. She has
 compiled an astonishing record of achievement in both capacities. For 
strong, capable, competent and transparent leadership, I will be voting for
 Mayor Julia Leu on 28 March 2020.”

— Helen Gabour

“Being Mayor to guide a sustainable lifestyle for us here means infinitely more than just attending to local issues. We need Julia who has already shown the skills and the ‘ticker’.”

— Noel Weare

“Julia is a visionary who leads with integrity.   She has the experience, proven commitment, knowledge, strategic planning skills and respect of representatives of all levels of Government, to ensure the infrastructure, economy, social and cultural fabric of our Shire meet present and future needs.  Her deep understanding of the uniqueness of our local environment also ensures that we will continue to preserve this precious world resource.  Julia has, and will continue to listen to, and serve all members of the Douglas Shire without prejudice.”

- Deborah Kachel, Miallo.

Follow Julia’s Campaign on Twitter.